Israel Resource Review 28th January, 2007


Hagai Huberman
Correspondent, Hatzofeh

The IDF has maintained a carefully observed closure on Nablus in light of urgent intelligence warnings about terrorists' plans to execute a number of terror attacks, at least one of which is geared to be carried out in Israel.

The attacks in question are being planned by Fatah terrorists, directed by Hizbullah and handled by members of the Popular Resistance Committees in the Gaza Strip.

This intelligence has prompted the IDF to continue to inspect scrupulously at the roadblocks in the Nablus area, despite Olmert's commitment to Abu Mazen that he would ease restrictions at the roadblocks.

On Thursday the IDF arrested Imad Guad Damara, a Tanzim terrorist from Nablus who belongs to a terrorist infrastructure that is directed by Hizbullah.

Damara, who served as the replacement for Mohammed Ramahana, who was killed 40 days ago in the course of an operation that was geared to arrest him, spent the days prior to his arrest making plans for a suicide bombing attack. He was arrested thanks to information that was obtained from other detainees who had worked with Damara. They said that Damara had been responsible for repeated efforts to smuggle out of Nablus bombs and bomb belts. He was also involved in shooting attacks and planting roadside bombs against IDF troops that operate in the Nablus area. Security officials said that the terrorist infrastructure in question constitutes one of the central threats currently present in Judea and Samaria and that its activists have continued incessantly to try to carry out terror attacks against Israeli civilians.

IDF officials, moreover, are troubled by the resumption of the gunfire on Psagot. Terrorists shot at IDF positions near Psagot twice over the weekend. No one was injured and no damage was caused.

A surge was recorded in recent weeks in the number of attempts Islamic Jihad activists have made to attack Israel from the Gaza Strip, said military officials . . .

This article ran on the January 28th edition of HaTzofeh

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Correspondent, Yediot Ahronot

Israeli experts believe that Hizbullah is likely to receive a new and advanced model of the Zelzal rocket, which has a range of up to 400 kilometers. This would allow Hizbullah to attack targets anywhere in Israel.

The Iranians last week tested a Zelzal rocket that has a 400 kilometer range, which would be able to hit any target in Israel if fired from Lebanon. Israeli security officials are concerned about the possibility that Iran may supply Hizbullah in Lebanon with such rockets in advance of a possible resumption of hostilities with Israel.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is responsible for the development of the rocket and it was the Revolutionary Guard that carried out the test. In the course of the test the Revolutionary Guardsmen fired a Fajar-5 rocket, which has a 75 kilometer range, and an improved Zelzal rocket, which has a 400 kilometer range. The Zelzal rockets that Hizbullah had in the initial stages of the second Lebanon War had a range of approximately 150 kilometers.

Israeli officials know that the Iranian weapons industry received from Hizbullah precise information about the use that was made of the Iranian weapons systems in the course of the war. The Israeli experts believe that the Iranians have already analyzed the results and have made a number of immediate changes in some of the weapons systems, which improved their performance.

This article ran on the January 28th edition of Yediot

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