The difference is the comfort

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Today's times bear testimony to the far-reaching convenience foods that are available to the Jewish public. Additionally, almost every conceivable service or product may be had in some form for this ever-expanding modern market. Therefore, when newer products are developed that fill a clear need, this column is most gratified and, in fact, duty bound to publicize them.

Mr. Jack Falack, who resides in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, has recently introduced a revolutionary new concept in Tzitzit, the four-cornered and fringed religious garment.

According to Jewish law, the tzitzit is the prescribed attire - usually worn year-round under a shirt - for all males. Many men have been bothered by, among other things, excessive layers of garments in the summer which tend to crumple up under the shirt. Further, complaints are common that the humid summer weather creates an uncomfortable situation where one cannot always wear the tzitzit plus an undershirt.

These concerns are cleverly addressed with Mr. Falack's new patented garment called "Neatzit" - a white, cotton V-neck design T-shirt type undergarment. Replete with wel1-bound edges, and special snaps on the sides, this garment is sure to become a must for the observant man of the '90s.

We believe Mr. Falack has created a true convenience product for the Jewish Market.

Not only is this garment cooler in summer, but it will neatly cover an undershirt in winter to provide additional warmth.

The garment has the rabbinical sanction of the well known halachic authority, the Debreciner Rav, Rabbi Moshe Sternshlitz. The strictest of halachic standards are employed in its manufacture, thus satisfying the broadest base of religious requirements as interpreted by the various famed halachic authorities.

Its manufacture in Israel was arranged by Keter Imports of the widely known Gerer Chasidim in of Bnei Brak.

Patented in both the U.S. and Israel, Neatzit is now available at select neighborhood stores and Hebrew religious outlets.

Reprinted from The Jewish Press March 2-8, 1990

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