Emerging Viruses
Could modern advances in cancer research and genetic biotechnology have given rise to new viruses and the current and coming plagues? More frightening, could the AIDS and Ebola epidemic have been planned? This is the first in-depth exploration into the origins of the world's most feared and deadly viruses - HIV and Ebola. Claims that these "emerging viruses" naturally evolved and then jumped species from monkey to man seem grossly unfounded in light of the compelling evidence assembled in this extraordinary text. Alternatively, the possibility that these bizarre germs were laboratory creations, accidentally or even intentionally transmitted via tainted hepatitis, polio, and smallpox vaccines in the U.S. and Africa - as numerous authorities have alleged - is investigated here. During the cold war in the 1960's and early 1970's, the biological weapons race was a horrifying reality. Military contractors, with technical support from the World Health Organization (WHO), developed countless immune system ravaging viruses, and experimented with antidote vaccines for national "defense" and cancer prevention. Logically, the author's suspicions fell on a narrow network of virologists, including Dr. Robert Gallo, the co-discoverer of the AIDS virus, working under the auspices of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) during a highly funded, yet largely secret, "Special Virus Cancer Program." These colleagues, representing Merck, Sharp and Dohme, the world's largest pharmaceutical company, Hazleton Research Laboratories, the site of the famous Reston virus outbreak, the New York University Medical Center, linked to the infamous New York City Blood Center, and Litton Bionetics, a medical division of the mega-military contractor Litton Industries, Inc., were not only among America's premier biological weapons contractors, but also conducted numerous viral vaccine experiments simultaneously in New York City and Central Africa in the populations most plagued by AIDS. This fascinating and unsettling book explores the accidental and intentional theories of AIDS and Ebola within the social and political context of this stormy period of American History. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) activities and foreign policy initiatives in Central Africa in response to threats posed by communism, black nationalism, and the Third World populations are examined. The important roles played by political leaders including National Security Advisor Dr. Henry Kissinger, Department of Health, Education and Welfare directors Frank C. Carlucci, III and Joseph Califano, presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and economic notables Nelson and Laurance Rockefeller are considered. The text hauntingly dissects the potential motives and administrative mechanisms underlying the belief held by a vast majority of African-Americans - that HIV and Ebola may have been deliberately deployed, and that the AIDS epidemic may be accomplishing what was desired. In the end, this highly acclaimed, authoritative, and controversial text challenges the AIDS establishment and much of what is considered gospel about emerging viruses. Meticulously documenting how, when, where and why the viruses, that now threaten humanity's survival, were made, this classic book broadens the social, political and scientific perspectives of all who read it.
Comments on Emerging Viruses One cannot fail to grasp the explosive significance of this book and its main thesis, that biological weapons programs developed and field tested immune-system-destroying agents that now cannot be contained . . . A cogent, readable, and carefully documented work."
Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D. "Presents alarming documents, all for the first time in one compendium, that causes us to pause, ask questions, and challenges the scientific community for a fair-minded critical reevaluation of the causes of AIDS and its origin. These questions are long overdue."
Gary Null, Ph.D. "Horowitz has preformed the miracle of summarizing a century of intrigue, fraud and deceit in one cohesive story. We move from the filthy labs where contaminated vaccines are produced, to the polished executive offices of biowarfare contractors . . . This book is the most breathtaking thriller of the last millennium."
Eva Lee Snead, M.D. "Clearly written, carefully reasoned and researched . . . As a modern gadfly, Horowitz awakens us to nightmarish challenges we must respond to today if we do not want to wake up dead tomorrow. Emerging Viruses is a historic contribution to the human species."
Thomas Ellis Katen "The most massive, well-documented assembly of evidence ever published in support of the idea the AIDS virus could have been manufactured as a biological weapon, and then accidentally or purposely released into the world . . . If you scoff at the notion, you won't be so cocky once you see how much evidence exists. I recommend it most highly . . . You'll never think of AIDS the same way again."
Russ Kick "Shocking . . . The boldest of the new books of alternative medicine." Review in Alternative Medicine Digest |