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Free to Choose -- Shvuoth, 5758

Standing at the base of Mt. Sinai,
(The text reads not "at" but "under") --
All tremble at the blast of the horns
And the lightening, the smoke and the thunder.

Suddenly . . . the world stands breathlessly still . . .
The voice comes down from the cloud-covered hill:
"You standing here, and all future Jews --
Do you accept all my don'ts?
Do you accept all my do's?"
We replied, "We will do."
We complied, "We'll obey."
(Was there anything else
We could possibly say?
When you hear God's voice,
Do you have much choice?)

Today, no lightening,
No thunderous roll . . .
Just a quiet voice
Inside our soul . . .

Best heard in Jerusalem.

The Pregnant Pen
Kadish Goldberg
Phone: (+972-6) 653-8048
Fax: (+972-6) 658-6336

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