Previous Updates

4th Tamuz, 5758

Unbelievable. The previous update was posted in Jerusalem Thurday afternoon, which was early Friday in North America. By Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) the chest for OLD SHEKELS had been donated, by a member of Temple Beth-El, of Anniston, Alabama.

Work has begun on the new "Chest for Old Shekels"

Not only that, but this modern-day Pinchas persuaded the leaders of his congregation to make Temple Beth-El, of Anniston, Alabama, the first congregation in the world to have 100% participation in giving the Holy Half Shekel to Jerusalem! In the merit of this man's actions, and that of the leadership of this congregation, every member of Temple Beth-El received a Half-Shekel which will be brought to Jerusalem by representatives of the congregation and placed in the chest for NEW SHEKELS before the next Trumat HaLishka ceremony.

KOL HAKAVOD to the President, Rabbi, and congregants of Temple Beth-el of Anniston, Alabama! And a special Yashar Koach to our modern day Pinchas.

We hear that they're thinking of making Alabama the first state with 100% institutional participation. Wouldn't that be a hoot, if rather than New York, Los Angeles, or Miami, the Jews of Alabama are the first to attain that level of aliveness. Go for it!

Alabama is also the first state, alphabetically, with a Jewish population. Next comes Alaska.
Any live ones in Alaska?