Translated from Otzar Sichot
Tzadikim (Treasury of Discussions
of the Righteous)
The sage Rav Gershon Henoch, may the memory of the righteous be
a blessing, from Radzin, met with the sage Yisrael Yehoshua, the
head of the Rabbinical court of Koutnow, and discussed with him
regarding the Techelet he had rediscovered, and desired that he
would agree with him to wear his Techelet. The Rav of Koutnow
did not want to agree with the Ba'al HaTechelet Rav Gershon
Henoch quoting him a well known piece from the Talmud which says
"Go out and see what the world is doing." He continued, "The
whole world is not wearing Techelet, why must we invent new
things that our forefathers have not imagined?" After they
concluded their discussion they went outside and Rebbe Rav
Gershon Henoch called over a person who was passing by in the
marketplace carrying a bundle. Rav Gershon said to him, "Tell
me; what was the difference of opinion between Rav Meir and Rav
Yehudah regarding Chametz (leavened bread) and in what regard
did they agree with each other?" The man stood there dumbfounded
unable to open his mouth. Rebbe Rav Gershon Henoch said to the
holy Rav of Koutnow; "In the tractate of Pesachim on page four,
on the second side, our sages of blessed memory said that
according to the whole world we agree that Chametz is forbidden
from the sixth hour of the day." He continued; "And where is the
whole world? You will find that the majority of the world to be
like this shlepper of bundles who has no idea what the sages of
the Talmud are saying. But the whole world is me and you and
those like us, the sages and the students of the Torah. They are
the world at large (the world that is the real world) and how
can his honor say 'Look at the world and see what they are
doing!' Who is the world if not your honor the venerable sage
and the rest of the students of the Torah in the generation?"
Translated by R. David Herzberg
Put simply, Rabbi Gershon Henoch was saying; We have the
obligation to care because we understand the depth of the issue,
and just because the masses are not doing it, that does not
excuse our not doing it. [Editor]
When Rebbe Yitzchak Meir Korman arrived there for the first time
and prayed with his Tallith with Techelet, as was his custom,
this aroused displeasure amongst the older Chassidim and joy
amongst the younger Chassidim. Among them was Rebbe Moshe Yosef
from Poland, who took him to the house of one of his
aquaintances and showed him a holy book called Machane Dan,
printed on grey green paper that was almost torn to shreds. From
this book Reb Yitzchak copied word for the section
about Techelet (page 275) as is brought down here:
This is what he copied from the book Machane Dan.
The Ari Z"l wrote that after the destruction of the Holy Temple
we have no Techelet, because after the destruction it was
hidden. The light of Chochma (wisdom) does not illuminate the
Malchut (Kingship) and all we have is the white strings which
come from the world of Binah (understanding) but we do not have
the Techelet which comes fom Chochma. And the situation will
continue until the year 5600 (1840 CE) of the sixth millenium,
for in the year 5600 (1840) the light of Chochma will begin to
illuminate and shine down upon the Malchut for Bat Sheva will
begin to be lifted up and elevated (which is the secret of the
seventh millenium) as is written in the Holy Zohar in the
section of Vayira. In the six hundredth year of the sixth
millenium (1840) the gates of Chochma above will be opened up
and will flow down to the Chochma below etc. "And then two
things will be needed; 1) to rectify and adorn the Malchut with
many rectifications and adornments which apply to it, for it is
forbidden to appear before the king dressed in sackcloth. 2) To
return the light of Chochma unto it. And then the one will be
lifted from its source and with the strength of the Torah, for
the Torah comes from the place of celestial Chochma and then the
existence of Techelet and its laws will be clarified and
crystallized from all its impurities (misinterpretations) and
also thus shall rectify many aspects that relate to Bat Sheva.
And one of the things that shall be rectified is that the
Sabbatical year shall be observed which is the secret of "And
the Land shall rest." And with this new strength the observance
of the Commandment of Techelet will be actualized as it is
written "He who plants the fig tree shall eat of its fruit,
etc." ... There will arise a wise one from Bat Sheva and will
return the Crown of Techelet to its original Glory. And
certainly the great ones of is generation will not agree to it
very fast. And this is alluded to in the passage; "And do not go
astray after your hearts and eyes." This passage hints to us
that we should not listen to these non-believers of the new
Techelet, "In order that we may remember and do ALL the
Commandments of G-d." As the sages of blessed memory say; "How
does Techelet differ from all other colors, etc." Through this
we shall speedily merit to draw down the light of Chochma unto
the Malchut. Because now due to our numerous transgressions all
we have is th elight of Binah (understanding) "And be holy unto
G-d", for the secret of 'holy' is both Chochma and Binah and
Elokim is Malchut. And may G-d forgive me that I have revealed
all this."
Until here, the holy words the Ari Z"l.
These words were copied by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Korman without
punctuation as are found in the above mentioned book. After I
heard these words from Reb Yitzchak Meir Korman and I received a
copy of it I turned to the government library of Kiev and
Leningrad to see if the book Mahane Dan can be found by them and
I received no answer.
Translated by R. David Herzberg
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