Friday, 9th January, 2015 | Yom Shishi, 18th Tevet, 5775 |
Welcome to israelVisit!

Click on the banner to order Pizza, Hot Soup & Soda for Israeli soldiers.
Whether you are a frequent visitor to Israel, or an interested
spectator who hasn't quite made it here (yet),
israelVisit is designed
to provide you with information on Arts,
Travel and
many other topics of interest.
You have the opportunity to view and purchase
beautiful Israeli products, including
Things Jewish,
jewelry (or jewellery), and
delivered directly to
you from our many quality artists and suppliers, as well
as view general, political, trivia
and other information about Israel.
The following links are from Google Ads.
We have no control over the content.
See you in Israel, or l'hitraot b'Yisrael!